Special Exhibition Commemorating the Donation of the Segawa Takeo Collection 100 Tales of Large Dishes of the Edo Period: - A World of Dynamic Blue - 瀬川竹生コレクション寄贈記念・特別企画展 江戸大皿百物語 - 躍動する青の世界 -
This exhibition catalogue introduces the charm of Arita's large dishes to commemorate the donation of a 100-dish collection of the late Segawa Takeo, a rare collector of large dishes. The catalogue includes all exhibited works with besides of the descriptions.
Publication date: September 7, 2024 Language: Japanese (English texts partly included) Number of pages: Color 190 pages Price: 3,000 yen
Greeting Biography of Segawa Takeo Contents Explanatory Note "In Memory of Segawa Takeo, Collector of Ko-Imari Large Dishes" (Arakawa Masaaki)
Discussions - About the Large Dish Exhibition (Fujiwara Tomoko) - Large Dishes during the Late Edo Period: Distribution and Demand (Yoshino Takanori) - The Bottoms of Large Dishes as Seen in the Segawa Takeo Collection: Design, Mei Marks, and Footrings (Miyaki Takafumi)
Chapter 1. Arita Large Dish Trivia Chapter 2. The Appeal of Large Dishes as seen in the Segawa Takeo Collection
List of Works
40th Anniversary/Special Commemorative Exhibition: The Shibasawa Collection 開館40周年記念・寄贈記念 特別企画展「柴澤コレクション」
This catalogue, consisting of 432 objects, introduces the collection of the late Shibasawa Kazuhito. The collection centers on varieties of Hizen porcelain (Ko-Imari) that were shipped to coastal areas of northern Japan, such as Niigata and Yamagata, via the Sea of Japan during the Edo period. The catalogue encompasses the entire collection. 130 items are showcased with detailed descriptions.
Publication date: October 16, 2020 Language: Japanese (English texts included) Number of pages: Color 187 pages Price: 2,000 yen
[Contents] About the Donation of the Shibasawa Collection Biography of Shibasawa Kazuhito
Chapter 1 The Creation and Establishment of Hizen Porcelain Chapter 2 The Perfection and Development of Japanese Porcelain Column: Hizen Porcelain Transported to Niigata and Yamagata Chapter 3 Expansion of the Domestic Market and Growing Popularity Topics: Exported Porcelain Topics: Porcelain Presented to the Family of the Shogun: Nabeshima Ware and Hirado Ware Chapter 4 Growing Demand for Porcelain and Competition among Producing Regions Column: Searching for Small Differences in Sets: A Rabbit Mixed in with Mandarin Ducks Chapter 5 Chinese Porcelain
Essay 1: Shipment of Hizen Porcelain to the Echigo, Sado and Shonai Regions: Background for the Shibasawa Collection Essay 2: Meikan Markings on Hizen Porcelain in the Shibasawa Collection
Reference: List of Meikan Markings in the Shibasawa Collection Bibliography The Shibasawa Collection Complete Catalogue Table of Collection Numbers and Catalogue Numbers
40th Anniversary/Special Commemorative Exhibition: The Takatori Collection 開館40周年記念・寄贈記念 特別企画展「髙取家コレクション」
The Takatori Collection features Hizen ware such as Ko-garatsu, Ko-Imari and Nabeshima ware that were served to entertain the guests at the Former Takatori Residence (Important Cultural Property), including the Important Cultural Property, 'Ash Glazed Tea Bowl with Incised Design - known as Genkai'. The collection contains a wide range of ceramics inside and outside Japan, such as the Bizen and Kansai regions as well as China, Korea and Europe. This catalogue encompasses the entire collection - a total of 1,189 sets.
Publication date: March 31, 2020 Language: Japanese (English texts included) Number of pages: Color 284 pages Price: 2,500 yen
Greeting The House of the Takatori Family in the Meiji, Taisho, Showa, and Heisei Eras (Takatori Hideko) Contents Acknowledgements Explanatory Notes
Essay 1 The Former Takatori Residence Essay 2 The Takatori Family
Exposition 1 On the Donation of the Takatori Collection (Suzuta Yukio) Exposition 2 The Ceramics of the Takatori Collection (Yamamoto Ayako)
Chapter 1 Hizen and Saga Stoneware Chapter 2 Hizen and Saga Porcelain Chapter 3 Nabeshima Chapter 4 Nagasaki Ceramics: Taishu, Utsutsugawa, Mikawachi, Nagayo, and Kameyama Chapter 5 Kyushu and Okinawa Ceramics: Takatori and Agano (Fukuoka), Yatsushiro, Shodai (Kumamoto), Satsuma (Kagoshima), and Tsuboya (Okinawa) Chapter 6 Honshu Ceramics: Hagi (Yamaguchi), Bizen (Okayama), Gennai (Kagawa), Raku, Eiraku (Kyoto), Sanda, Tozan (Hyogo), Seto (Aichi), and Mino (Gifu) Chapter 7 Chinese Ceramics: Longquan, Jingdezhen, Huanan Sancai, Zhangzhou, Yixing, and Dehua, etc. Chapter 8 Korean Ceramics: Underglaze Iron Brown, Inlay, Underglaze Cobalt Blue, Copper Red, Celadon, and White Porcelain Chapter 9 Southeast Asian and European Ceramics: Vietnam, Delft, Petrus Regout (The Netherlands), and Doulton (England)
The Takatori Collection Complete Catalogue Donated to The Kyushu Ceramic Museum Appendix Catalogue of Material Donated by Takatori Noriko and Hideko Donated to the Saga Prefectural Museum and the Saga Prefectural Art Museum
This is a catalogue of the [ARITA X TOKOLO] EXHIBITION, held in 2019. The museum hosted the exhibition to welcome artist TOKOLO Asao as a guest. He designed the official emblems for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The exhibition focuses on the blue colour that fascinates TOKOLO. It seeks out new possibilities in Arita ware through a union of accumulated resources generated via the museum's years of research activities and TOKOLO's unique approach to fusing tradition and innovation.
Publication date: September 20, 2019 Language: Japanese and English Number of pages: Color 176 pages Price: 1,600 yen
Feature Interview [ARITA × TOKOLO] EXHIBITION -Forging Connections with Ritsu Rules: The World of Japan Blue- [ARITA × TOKOLO] EXHIBITION Tsuneo KO (The University Museum, The University of Tokyo) TOKOLO Design and Arita Ware Yukio SUZUTA (Director, The Kyushu Ceramic Museum)
「ZONE1」[ARITA × TOKOLO] 「ZONE2」[TOKOLO × ARITA ] [Remarks on Blue] [Grass Motifs] [Geometric Pattern] [Human, Animal and Creature] [Geography] [Sherds] [Materials] [Tools] [Struggle for the Future] 「ZONE3」[INSTALLATION・ARITAYAKI RURI 100 STEPS SMALL DISHES] Curriculum Vitae of Asao TOKOLO
Commemorative Exhibition of New Acquisitions 1 The Imaizumi Kichiro and Yoshihiro Collection 新収蔵品展1 寄贈記念 今泉吉郎・吉博コレクション
This is a collection of 101 ceramic objects acquired over two generations by the late Imaizumi Kichiro, famously renowned as a researcher of Hizen ceramics, and his heir, Imaizumi Yoshihiro. It primarily consists of high-quality ceramics from the Hizen area, including the Important Cultural Property of Japan 'Large Lobed Dish with Underglaze Cobalt-blue Design of Landscape'. Other items in the collection include Arita ware created during the early Edo period, Nabeshima ware and Yoshida ware from Ureshino in Saga Prefecture, and Hasami ware from Nagasaki Prefecture.
Publication date: October 5, 2019 Language: Japanese (English texts are contained) Number of pages: Color 40 pages Price: 800 yen
Greeting Contents Explanatory Notes About the Imaizumi Kichiro and Yoshihiro Collection Biography The Imaizumi Kichiro and Yoshihiro Complete Catalogue
Complete Catalogue of SHIBATA COLLECTION (Enlarged and Revised Edition) *Written in only Japanese 柴田夫妻コレクション総目録(増補改訂)
The Shibata Collection consists of 10,311 items in 4,332 sets of Hizen porcelain centering on Arita ware. This catalogue encompasses all of the collections including additionally donated items after the first edition had been published, and also the ceramics from other regions for reference. The entire collection has been reorganized in chronological order that allows you to look over the whole collection and easily access for any research. Also, it contains the verification table of the series of the Shibata Collection catalogues, and an index of major decoration patterns.
Publication date: March, 2019 Language: Japanese Number of pages: Color 581 pages Price: 3,500 yen
◆ All 4,332 works with photo on the back side ◆ Pattern index item list ◆ Pattern index ◆ Special kind of vessels ◆ Comparison table with exhibition catalogue number

Kumamoto Ceramics 熊本のやきもの
Publication date: October 6, 2017 Language: Japanese (Summary and captions are written in English) Number of pages: Color 192 pages Price: 2,000 yen
Greetings Acknowledgement Table of Contents Explanatory Notes
Chapter 1: Ceramics from Arao, Tamana, and Yamaga: Northern Area of Kumamoto Prefecture Chapter 2: Ceramics from Kumamoto and Uki: Central Area of Kumamoto Prefecture Chapter 3: Ceramics from Southern Kumamoto Prefecture 1) Ceramics from the Yatsushiro and Ashikita areas 2) Ceramics from the Hitoyoshi and Kuma areas 3) Ceramics from the Amakusa area Chapter 4: Ceramic art in Kumamoto Today: Overcoming Disaster
◆Essays 1:Kumamoto Ceramics: Ceramic Culture in Hi-no-Kuni (Tokunaga Sadatsugu, The Kyushu Ceramic Museum) 2:History of Early Modern Ceramics in Higo and Agano Ware Potters of Buzen: Yatsushiro, Shodai, and the Unknown Wares of Yamaga and Makizaki (Fukuhara Toru, Yatsushiro Municipal Museum) 3:Use of Higo Ceramics at Kumamoto Castle and in Surrounding Areas (Minoguchi Masao, Cultural Section, City of Kumamoto) 4:Early Modern Ceramics of Hitoyoshi and Kuma (Okamoto Shinya, Cultural Division, Kumamoto Prefectural Education Bureau) 5:Genealogy of Amakusa Ceramic Technology: From Hizen to Amakusa (Nakayama Kei, Tourism and Culture Section, City of Amakusa) 6:Pottery of Amakusa: Mizu-no-Daira Ware (Toshikawa Kimio, Hondo Museum of History and Folklore) 7:Transitions in Major Amakusa Takahama Porcelain during the Edo Period: Introduction to Prominent Pieces (Ohashi Koji, Honorary Advisor, The Kyushu Ceramic Museum)
References Distribution map and table of early modern ceramic production centers in Kumamoto Bibliography of ceramics from Kumamoto, focusing on early modern and modern works List of pieces English Summary

400th Anniversary of the Birth of Arita Porcelain: The Compelling Beauty of Arita Ceramics in the Age of the Great International Expositions 特別企画展 有田焼創業400年事業特別企画展「明治有田超絶の美-万国博覧会の時代ー」
図録 Catalogue We have ended the sales of this catalog. It is still available at book stores. Please contact them for availability.
I World Expositions and Arita II Separation of Koransha and creation of Seiji Kaisha III Gorgeous Meiji Arita design IV Development of modern Arita ◆ MAP: Visit Arita town with 400 years of porcelain ◆ The history of Arita from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period ◆ Column
Publication date: September 10, 2015 Number of pages: 207 pages
Price: 2,592 yen Published by Sekai Bunkasha
This is the exhibition catalogue which was held from October 16, 2015 to December 6, 2016 themed "400th Anniversary of the Birth of Arita Porcelain: The Compelling Beauty of Arita Ceramics in the Age of the Great International Expositions" by Kyushu Ceramic Museum.
Available at general bookstores
論考集 Collection of Essays
Publication date: September 15, 2015 Number of pages: 94 pages
Price: 648 yen Published by The Nishinippon Shimbun Co., Ltd.

Ceramics for the Shogunate Nabeshima, Hirado and Karatsu Wares - Exquisite Ceramics - 特別企画展 将軍家献上の鍋島・平戸・唐津~精巧なるやきもの~
This catalogue was sold out.
This catalogue thoroughly introduces sophisticated beauty and exceptional techniques of Nabeshima ware, Hirado ware and Karatsu ware which enchanted the Tokugawa shogunate, a powerful lord at the time. The Hirado ware section features many never-before-shown works that were not well-known. The Nabeshima ware section introduces masterpieces from museums throughout Japan along with essays that reflect the latest archaeological research from the Edo Castle site and the Nabeshima domain's warehouse in Osaka.
Publication date: October 6, 2012 Language: Japanese (English texts are contained) Number of pages: 242 pages Price: 2,000 yen
Chapter 1: Nabeshima Ware, Ceramics Presented by Saga Domain Section 1: Ceramics for the Shogun, from Jigdezhen to Nabeshima Wares Section 2: Early Nabeshima Ware from Okawachi, an Initial Period of Trial and Error Section 3: The Peak Period of Nabeshima Ware, the Pinnacle of Design and Technique Section 4: Nabeshima Ware from the Middle Period, Sumptuary Laws and a Period of Stagnation Section 5: Late Nabeshima Ware, the Twilight Period which Witnessed the Weakening of Bakufu Chapter 2: Hirado Ware, the Hirado Domain's Presentation Porcelain Section 1: Early Hirado Ware Section 2: Hirado Ware in Its Mature Period Section 3: Later Hirado Ware Chapter 3: Karatsu Ware, Teabowls for Presentation by Karatsu Domain
Exquisite Ceramics, Nabeshima, Hirado and Karatsu Presentation Wares for the Shogun and His Family (essay) by Ohashi Koji On Nabeshima Presentation Wares and Gifts as Seen through the Archaeological Record (essay) by Yamamoto Ayako Chronology by Tokunaga Sadatsugu The Production Areas of Ceramics Made for Presentation to the Shogun by Yamamoto Ayako Changes in Design Patterns on the Base of Nabeshima Wares by Yamamoto Ayako Bibliography by Uji Akira List of Exhibits Nabeshima, Hirado and Karatsu Presentation Wares for the Shogun and His Family an English Summary by Ohashi Koji Acknowledgements
This catalogue primarily features newly acquired items which are not appeared in the previous catalogue of 'The Kyushu Ceramic Museum Collection' that was published in 1996. The catalogue introduces ceramics from the Kyushu region and its associated ceramics from overseas.
Publication date: October 25, 2009 Language: Japanese Number of pages: 128 pages Price: 1,500 yen
1. Ceramics from Saga 2. Ceramics from Nagasaki 3. Ceramics from Fukuoka 4. Ceramics from Kumamoto 5. Ceramics from Oita 6. Ceramics from Kagoshima 7. Ceramics from Okinawa 8. Ceramics from Abroad
○ Development of Kyushu Ceramics ○ Distribution Map of Old Kiln Sites in Saga Prefecture ○ Distribution Map of Major Old Kiln Sites in Kyushu ○ Description of Objects
This catalogue features represented masterpieces in the Kyushu Ceramic Museum's collection as of March, 1996 when the catalogue was published. It also contains ceramics from China and Europe with connections to ceramics in Arita and the Kyushu area. 183 pieces of ceramics are introduced. (The Shibata Collection is not included in this catalogue)
Publication date: March, 1996 Language: Japanese (English texts included) Number of pages: 184 pages Price: 2,600 yen
◆Plates:183 objects ◆Descriptions: ○Kyushu Ceramics ○Distribution Map of Major Kiln Sites during the Edo Period
Ko-Imari that Captivated European Aristocracy: Kanbara Collection 欧州貴族を魅了した 古伊万里 -蒲原コレクション-
The Kanbara Collection is a gift given to Arita Town in 1978 by the late Kanbara Hakaru. In 1974, he visited various parts of Europe to acquire exported Ko-Imari (Old-Imari ware) and created this collection at his own expense. It is a collection that conveys the mesmerizing beauty of Hizen porcelain that captivated the aristocratic classes of Europe.
Publication date: January, 2008 Published by: Arita Town Board of Education Language: Japanese Number of pages: Color 110 pages Price: 1,500 yen
◆Plates: 101 sets ◆Description ○Ko-Imari and Kanbara Hakaru ○Export of Arita Porcelain to Europe